Monday, March 23, 2009

New benchtop, an ass groove and finally some landscaping

Well after my 'negative nancy' post not so long ago, I thought I'd post again with some better news.

No, unfortunately J still doesn't have a job.

The couch however, is getting an awesome workout so much so, I have to keep asking him to sit in different seats each day so that we don't get an ass groove in one seat (and yes, it would be the chaise!!).

The new benchtop FINALLY got installed last week and it's nice to have a benchtop that has no scratches on it!!! It's been in for 5 days now and not a scratch on it so the last one was definitely a dodgy bit of manufaturing.

And the other good news (well good for me, not so good for J because we know how much he loves landscaping with me) ... our Easter break will involve laying a path, building a water feature and moving in some mulch!!! I'm very excited.

How did this come about?? Well I was fortunate enough to get a little bit (and I mean 'little') of a bonus from work. So I figured 'screw it'. It's a bonus ... it's not effecting any bills or anything else so I'm going to spend it on some landscaping. I've made a deal with J that I will budget so that we can do as much as possible in the little area from the side gate to the patio area. This will involve a path, build a water feature and put some mulch down. Unfortunately I don't think there is going to be any money left for plants but we'll wait and see! I dragged both J and the child down to Pots Galore and Garden World yesterday and I think we found the pot for the water feature. The pavers will be ordered this week (hopefully) so that they arrive by Easter.

So while the main patio area is still not finished with the paving, at least the weed infested area next to the patio should like nice.

Stay tuned for photos and the arguments that will come out of this little exercise!!!!! lol

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

2009 ... going downhil!!

Yep - it's been a LOOOONNNGGG time since I posted.

Basically, since we arrived back from Tassie after the Christmas break life has been a blur of work ... go home... have dinner ... sleep .. and start the cycle all over again. My work is flat out and I've been putting in 11 or 12 hour days which as you all know, becomes very tiring after a while.

J lost his job a couple of weeks after we got back from Tassie and has still been unable to find work. It's a really bizarre feeling having the economic crisis hit us (which probably sounds bizarre in itself) but generally, we just keep on going and feel sorry for all of those that it effects. Now it is actually effecting us. Because of the type of work J does (and in the mining sector) he's struggling to even find work interstate.

So, with just one salary, child support to 3 children, mortgage and the other bills, you guessed it .... no pavers ... no more plants ... no landscaping. Sigh.

On a positive note however, the new couch did arrive. We were considering cancelling the delivery when J lost his job however it would have cost at least 50% of the cost of the couch so we just figure 'stuff it' (much harsher word used mind you). It is unbelievably comfortable so we figure when we have no money, we can close the blinds to block out the lack of landscaping and eat baked beans on our lovely couch. Ha ha.

I don't have Sarah this weekend and John will be sailing on Saturday so I'm going to use some of the day to catch up on everybody's blog!!! I can just imagine what I've been missing out on seeing!!!