Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Coffee Table

Lights dim .... queue background music ......
Toni - this post is for you....

Lamp Tables

And to anybody else reading this post you may think I've gone quite mad!! Well, I may have but it appears that Toni (H2B) and I have the same wooden furniture!!!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sorry sir .. how many cushions???

Well ... the couches have arrived for the formal lounge. YAY!!! Don't know how all the cushions are supposed to fit across the back but I've done my best. Not sure about the green ones yet ... they were a gift from a friend so I'll try one day with .. one day without ... and see how I go.

Anyway .... I am absolutely ecstatic about this room. It is exactly how I'd pictured it when we built the house. Just need to find some really nice prints for the walls and that room is done!!
I think it will be a lovely spot to sit and read and look out on the garden (when it gets done).

Monday, September 08, 2008

Hi .. I'm Bruce

Hi there humans ... my name is Bruce and I am a Blue Tongue Lizard. I live under the deck of some people called John & Andy. Some days, there is even a little person that comes and stays for a few days at a time. She is pretty noisy and she scares me sometimes because she bounces a ball right above my house. Very annoying!!

I quite like my new home as I can hide from other humans and animals but when they are all working, I sun myself on the garden bed or on the driveway. It's very warm there sometimes.

I think the humans quite like me as they tried to feed me some strange meat the other day. I didn't really like it so I hope they don't try to do that again.
The lady human (Andy) got a bit cross with me yesterday because I decided to play in the front garden bed as it was such a lovely day .. but apparently I put all of the red bark into the white pebbles, and that really annoyed her. I heard her say something about making me into a small handbag!!

I'm not sure how long I will be able to stay here as the people were talking about fixing up the pathway leading to the deck. It didn't sound like a very good plan to me as that's where the hole is for me to crawl into my home.
I'll cross my claws and hope they don't block me in when they fix the path!!
See ya,

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Couch MIA and a new tree

Where the hell are MY... sorry .... OUR new couches???!!!!!! Who knows. We were told 3-4 weeks, and I'm sure it has now been closer to 5 weeks since we ordered them. A stern phone call to Freedom is in order today I think.

John's two little snodgers arrive on Sunday for a week (from Hobart) and I wanted the lounge room to be done for when they get here. Not that they can use that room of course ......... only kidding. Ha ha ... I'm so funny.

Anyway ... we arrived home last night to find that the council had been and has planted trees in everybody's nature strip. Nice. Pity we haven't done the nature strip yet but I guess now we'll just work around the tree that's there!!

Not sure what type of tree it is and I'll take a photo on the weekend. It's decidious so looks quite ugly and bare at the moment but I'm sure it will be lovely.

Monday, September 01, 2008

A new bench, some lounge room furniture and a lizard

After 14 months of the dryer sitting on the laundry bench, Dad came around on the weekend and put it up on the wall!!!

It is nice to actually see how the laundry was supposed to look for a change!!!

Now all we're waiting for is the weather to fine up so the dogs can go back outside and my laundry floor can be clean for a change, rather than paw prints and mud all over my tiles!!!

Note to self: if we ever build again, get the builder to concrete down the 'wasted' side of the house.

Also, some of the lounge room furniture was delivered on Friday and we are anxiously awaiting a phone call to say that our couches are ready for delivery. The coffee table & two lamp tables are quite 'chunky' (a bit like their owners really) so all of a sudden the room looks like it won't fit the couches .... but I'm assured that they will!!

Work on the backyard will also re-commence shortly. Stay tuned for arguments .. I mean, progress by J and I.

We also have a few visitors in our garden .... the noisy frogs are back (which annoy me at 3:00am but I'm told that it's a good sign of how healthy the backyard is) and we have a lovely Blue Tongue Lizard (whom we have named Bruce) living under the deck at the front. He kept me company on Saturday when I was weeding the garden.