As promised yesterday, here are the photos of the street now asphalted (is that a word?) and blocks ready to go. I think the poor neighbours who have had it very quiet for the last few months are about to be bombarded with trucks, visitors and all sorts of labourers.
I really really love how flat the block is because you can do so much with it. I can just picture what it will look like in a few years time with some lovely trees growing (drought resistant ones of course).
With the survey pegs re-done we were really surprised at how long the block really is. Once the slab is down most of it will be taken up by house but there will be enough back yard and side bit (is that side bit still called 'yard'?) for the puppies to run around and play in. Sarah was telling me that in her new garden she is going to build a fairy garden - how cute. I think if she tried to do that in ours, the poor little fairies would get trampled by the over-playful dogs!! I'm glad she's going to take an interest in her garden though - I'm no gardener (although I love the look of a lovely garden) so hopefully her dad will keep encouraging her to stay keen. Maybe she can give me some tips!!
Have a happy hump day!
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