Thursday, March 06, 2008

What a day

Ever had one of those days??

Today I'm having one ... a mixture of anger, frustration, tears, joy, disbelief ... every bloody emotion you can think of.

So the day starts out fairly normally ... had a wee bit of a hangover from last night but nothing that a good cup of coffee wouldn't fix.

The boys in the office frustrated the life out of me ... sometimes I just don't get their logic. Hello frustration.

Later after an email had a flashback moment of a dreadful time of my life that has caused me the most pain I have ever experienced and hope to never again. Bring on tears.

This bought on some very real fears and concerns and had them brushed aside as if they mean absolutely nothing. Where are you anger ... aaah there you are.

Out of the blue get a call from a dear old friend who seems to be very grown up and is taking life very seriously. But it was awesome to hear from him and hear how he and his family are doing. There are a lot of people that come and go throughout your life (some you remember more fondly than others) but this person is somebody that will stay in my heart forever. You're a champ .. you know who you are :-))

So .. joy replaces anger and tears.

Work goes on and more frustration with the men in the office!!

But the best news of the day is that my husband is finally coming home to work in Melbourne. For how long? who knows, but the great thing is that will be home for a while at least.

Maybe not so joyful for him when he reads that he now has to get the backyard done before winter (insert evil laugh here).

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